New Blog Site!!

Hey everyone!!

I just wanted to let you know that I am switching the blog over to, The Simply Daily Life!! Please look to this for future posts!!

Also please check out the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life!! Also please check out the Instagram page The Simply Daily Life, and the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life!!

I will be updating the links on all of the social media accounts!!

Social Media

Hey everyone!! Today we are going to be talking about Social Media, there are many different social media types. Everyone has access to them and everyone looks at them, whether it is Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tumbler, Snapchat, Magazines, the Internet, Magazines, Photographs, and the Newspaper. People look at them daily and all the time whether it is through the ebooks or online, or if they are holding the paper there in their hands.

When you look at social media what do you see. Do you see girls wearing barely nothing, do you see a specific type of woman, do you see if their are specific aspects that are on display, or do you just see what the people want to see. There is a movement going on that people what to see more diversity when it comes into social media. They also are fed up with seeing just the same thing every day. People are using social media to fight back to it and they are also using it to show that there is more diversity then what you are meant to see.

When social media started you would see the perfect girl, skinny with the perfect assets, and they would be in the glamorous outfits or just simply just what they wanted everyone to look like or what they wanted the everyday housewife to be. They would also make it to where it be people what everyone wanted you to be. Then you would see the sexy side of the glamour and the sexy side to life. You would look at things and be surprised that they would only show a specific body type or look. They did not want anyone super heavy or what people would call big and beautiful. People have been fighting it from day one.

Soon as the ages started to turn and things started to evolve, you would see a change in what people would see. You went from the sexy pin up girls, to the burlesque women, to playboy for the sexy side. For the simpler side you saw tooth pick think models, that have abs or are curvy and skinny all at the same time. But people are sick and tired of seeing just this one shape because everyone has a different body type and everyone looks different in the clothes that are shown. So wouldn't you want to fight back.

Now when you look you just don't see the skinny girls, but you see the bigger girls and mannequins, and yet there is still a battle. Not only do people use this to battle it out but they use it to shame someones body image. This is something that needs to be stopped. You are beautiful regardless of what your body type is. So do not let those people bring you down and destroy you. Fight back in a positive way by showing yourself off or saying you may not like who I am but I do. Once you are finally able to do that then you have fought back because you love yourself.

So please take this to heart and do not try to be what the people in social media to be. You are the strongest in what you want to be, how you see yourself, and how your life wants you to be. So love yourself regardless of what people do or say to you.

As always please follow, share, comment the blog, and please follow and like the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life. Also please follow and like the Instagram, The Simply Daily Life, and please follow and subscribe to the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life. I am so excited to talk to you about more and more!! Please let me know what you want to hear about as well.

Self Esteem

Hey everyone!! Today we are continuing on your topic of confidence and talking about self esteem. These two topics plan hand in hand. We discussed how self confidence is and that you are able to be yourself. That no matter what if you are able to feel amazing about yourself, then your confidence is what is going to bring it to the best. Which brings us to our topic self esteem and how it can play into effect with your confidence.

Self esteem is something that you normally do not think about when you are looking at yourself and your self confidence. You have so much self worth and so much things to be proud of yourself for. If you are able to look at yourself and realize that you are a respectable person than you know your self esteem is at its highest. Self esteem is basically confidence in one's worth and abilities; self respect. When you know your worth and provide yourself with the self love and care then you are able to show off your confidence and know that you have true self esteem. Some people let the negative things that people have said to you or the things that they have done to control the very aspect of self esteem in your life. If there is a negative impact on yourself respect or how you view yourself then you have a lower self esteem and which can cause many things to affect your life. So please listen to yourself and your heart about what you love, who you are, and stand up tall to show that you have both the confidence and self esteem to prove it.

So if you look at the post from last night and you are looking at what you are now, you have both the confidence and the self esteem to be the best of who you are. Do not let your self esteem or respect be lowered because someone has chosen to be jealous of you. You are who you are so own it.

As always please comment, share, and follow the blog, and please follow and life the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life. Please follow and life the Instagram, The Simply Daily Life, and please like and subscribe to the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life!! I always look forward to hearing from you and to sharing more!


Hey everyone!! Today we are also going to be talking about confidence. Everyone has there own version of confidence and people are able to choose who they want to be and how they want to see themselves. They also are able to be proud of there body and show it off to the world.

Everyone has there own version of confidence. It could be from wearing make up, doing there hair, to what they wear, getting tattoos or piercings, and it could literally be anything that they want. You are in control of your confidence. If you have been negatively put down for so long either by yourself or someone else to the point where you do not have the confidence to show yourself off, then you need to do somethings to bring yourself back up. When you feel great and amazing then your confidence will shine through and you will be an amazing person. If you let them get to you then you will only show the negative side effects. You have heard about how my body image has been brought down by past things that have happened to me, you have heard that I have had issues with taking the time to self love and care, but you will also know that I am working on bringing my confidence back. If you have your confidence then no one will be able to bring you down. You know that you are a strong person, show off who you are and show off what you are.

This is something that people will always have and whether you see that now or in the near future. You are who you are and you must let your confidence shine like there is no tomorrow, because no confidence is as priceless as your own.

So as always please follow, share, comment on the posts. Please follow, like, and comment on the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life, and please follow and like the Instagram page The Simply Daily life. Also please take a look at the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life!! I look forward to hearing from all of you!!

What You see vs Others See

Hey Everyone!! Today we are going to be talking about something that has a bit to do with the second post that was shown yesterday. We had touched a bit on bullying and  how you see yourself and how others see you. So today I am going to talk about what you see vs others see.

What you see is something that people have no control over. If you are able to look at yourself and love yourself, then you are able to see that everything is going to be okay. You may see yourself as an amazing, wonderful beautiful person. You may also see yourself as an athletic, strong, and capable person. You are the ones that control how you feel about yourself and not what others see about you. You are a strong person and you are a person that needs to take pride in who you are, but also remember that you are ever changing. If you are able to do that then you are able to be who you want to be. Not only does this boost your confidence but it boosts how you see about yourself.

What other people see doesn't matter, they have no control over who you are. If they control who you are then you have let them take that privilege from you. I have been in a situation with an ex boyfriend, that took who I was and changed it completely to someone that I did not recognize, and I am still figuring out who I am. It is a hard thing to realize, but it is something that I know will come together in the end. I should not have let him and all the people that bullied me changed how I felt about myself, or destroy my body image, then I would be a completely different person. It also would have changed me to someone that is different then who I am today. I am proud of who I am becoming, and that I am learning to love myself. I will not let those people change me.

So please when you are looking at yourself and listening to what other people say then you are letting them win. But if you are able to be strong and confident in yourself then you are the person that you choose to be. It will make you proud about yourself, and it will make you feel strong. So do not let the way that people see you control who you think about yourself.

And as always please comment, share, and follow. Please take like, share, and subscribe to the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life, and please comment and follow The Simply Daily Life Instagram. Also please follow and like the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life. Also please leave feedback and comments of what you would like to read! Please let me know either privately or on the page!!

Things You Don't See

Hey everyone!! Today I am going to be touching on a sensitive topic, so please do not judge anything that is written. I am writing based off experiences in my own life, things that my friends of touched based on for me, and just things that I have seen and experience as well.

Today we are going to be touching on the things that you do not see in peoples life. There are so many things that can affect your body image. It can come from bullying, people telling you that you are anorexic when you may not have control over how your body. I know that I have faced that, I was always extremely tiny in my life. I started high school at my lowest weight was 105 lbs, it is hard to image it and that picture is still stuck in my brain. It has torn my body image to shreds, because of how I felt. I know that people have seen themselves as over weight or obese, even when they are not. People have told them that they are ugly, they are fat, that they look like they are pregnant, even when they are not any of those things. Teenagers, middle schoolers, even elementary schoolers are subjugated to those torments by kids who are jealous and are cruel to them. They hear these things and see they way people are and they think that this is the right thing. They also deal with the fact that people are bullying them or making them feel worse. This is something that needs to change, people say that bullying is okay. I can understand that it makes people stronger, but the thing is that bullying people about things that they do not control is just wrong. I have had my coworkers tell me that didn't being bullying give you a thick skin and make you stronger, yes yes it did. But what they did not know, is that it changed who I was and made me do things that I now regret in my life because I thought that those were the right things to do. Do not let the bully control your life, and do not let it damage what you see yourself as. You and your body is beautiful and that is all that matters to you, whether you are skinny, thick, curvy, or have a body that is unique it is all on you.

Now we have touched the bullying, but what people do not know is that some girls and even males have dealt with these things. They have learned that restricting your diet or overeating is the best way to deal with how you feel about yourself. I have learned that it is not a good thing to restrict or over eat when it regards to your food because it affects your body image and how you see yourself. You truly are changing your body based on something that is not the right way to do it. For years I have either restricted my diet to where I would not eat but for one big meal a day or even snacking through out the day and just eating the one meal; and then there are some days that I would over eat and just eat and eat and eat because it felt good. I was trying to fill that void that my I did not feel that my body was able to create or I was trying to make myself so tiny that I could fit into the clothes that I used to all the time. These things have caused me to constantly fluctuate in weight, to the point where even if I would do the diet that restricted me or substitute things, I would eventually gain all the weight back and I learned to just love my body till I had gained weight and hit 205 lbs. I was so ashamed of myself that I would just wear sweat pants constantly and not feel good in anything that I wore, I destroyed my body image because I hd destroyed how I felt about myself. This was something that I did not start, but I definitely finished it.

When you are also looking at restricting and you are also looking at over eating, you would never think about the fact that people would develop eating disorders. There are many eating disorders out there, but the main ones that people know are bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, malnutrition, purging, binging, being addicted to food, and so many more. You may never know by looking at the person, but deep down inside there are things that. There are so many warning signs, because you are looking at people and you notice that there are things that are different towards that person. There are also times that you may not notice till they are ready to show you. So please take the time to make sure that your friends and family is okay.

Now I know that we covered a lot hear today, but please understand that there is so many things that you can truly see and notice about yourself and other people. Love yourself and your body and know that there are things that you may not be able to talk about to your peers, but to yourself. So if you ever need someone to talk to you can reach out to your family and to your friends, but most importantly please reach out for help to anyone if you are in dire need or it is an emergency there are many ways to get help.

So please as always follow, comment, share and tell me what you think about the post in the comments and to reach me through the email. Please also follow, like, and comment on the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life. Also please comment and follow, The Simply Daily Life, Instagram, and please subscribe, like, and share the Youtube Channel, The Simply Daily Life!

Self Love and Care

Hey everyone!! I am really excited to continue onto talking about ways to care for your body image. I have come up with many sub topics for this week. So be prepared for all of the festivities and to be inspired!! Like I said maybe you will see me on some videos!!

Today we are going to be talking about self love and self care. You have to be able to love your body to truly be happy with yourself. You should always come first in your life, whether it is by doing some exercise or even just taking time out of your day to do things that you normally would not be able to do. You are the most important thing in your life. Especially when you feel like your world is caving in do something for yourself.

I am not going to lie that I have trouble with self love and care, and that it is hard to remember to always want to take care of your body. I have had to relearn to self love and to care about me, and it is something I realized that can truly change not only your mood but how you feel about yourself. Self love is just not shaming yourself and accepting who you are. I know that I have spent years and years of shaming who I am and shaming the things that I have done to myself. I did not think that I was doing it right or that it was not worth it. But now I have learned that if I am positive about myself and who I am that, and that it is okay to feel this way. I have learned that my stretch marks, love handles, thick thighs, and things that I didn't think were beautiful truly are. What I do sometimes to make myself feel that love, is take a bubble bath, take that extra time to do my hair in the morning or to do my make up, wear things that I love to wear not what everyone else wants me to wear. Those things are showing your body that you love it.

Now some of those things that I covered are also self care, like taking a bubble bath or doing my hair in the morning. If you do not care fo yourself then you will not feel the full effects of what your body can do. I know that I have recently come into yoga, and man does it feel good to open up my mind and to feel the peace that my body loves. I also find that doing some exercising whether it is a quick body blast or walking for 20 minutes, that is a form of self care. Not only that but what you put into your body that is giving yourself self care. You may feel that junk food is what you really want but when you look at it yes it made you feel good at the time, but is that really what you wanted to do. Showing your body love and care with what you eat, can change the way your body feels to you.

When you are looking at your body, you have to remember when you do something that is negative to your body it can create a negative impact, like restricting or over doing it. You need to remember that whether you feel like you are having an end of the world moment, or that you aren't what people want you to be it doesn't matter. If you love yourself and show your body that you care, then you will feel like a million bucks.

So please think about what you are doing to yourself, and as always please comment and share and follow. Please check you the Facebook Page, The Simply Daily Life, follow and like, please comment on the post and let me know what you think. Please check out and follow the Instagram page The Simply Daily Life, and also the youtube channel! I would love to hear what you have to say whether you leave me a comment, message me on the blogs email, message me on the Facebook page, or Instagram. See you later!!

Rewrite Negative Words

Hey everyone!! I know that I took the week off last week, and had a hard time getting my posts together. It was a very emotional week and I did not expect what was happening to happen, plus I celebrated my birthday!! I do hope that you continue to read and forgive me for my absence. But alas I am back!

Today's topic is going to be rewriting negative words. Everyone has either said to someone or even to themselves negative words. Some people have even built up a whole script in there heads about negative things. Well its time to change that, and why not start that today? I know that I personally on a day to day bases have things that I say negatively about myself, and there are some days were it is worse then other days. I have come to learn that this is called negative self talk, I am in a program that is teaching me how to love myself and change behaviors that I have created to cope and keep in the same pattern that I am in. Now I am not going to lie doing this is not going to be easy, it is honestly the farthest thing from easy, but it will be so worth it in the end.

So lets get started on changing those words. So instead of thinking negative words lets rewrite them to five positive things that you like yourself, one of my coworkers and best friends, Leigh Anne, told me this. She even had me practicing this when we worked together as soon as I said something negative about myself in front of her, she prompted me to say five positive things about myself and she would do it along with me sometimes. I have in my program had to write characteristics I liked about myself, and I am not going to lie that this was the hardest thing to do. I have struggled with my body image for as long as I can remember, I was either way to tiny or I was to fat, there was never a happy medium with myself. I still see myself to have to be a specific way regardless of what I am told or not. I know that it is not healthy and that everyone is entitled to be there own version of themselves. I know that it will be a struggle but if I can do it you can do it. I have seen my mom struggle with diets after diets and just feeling very negative of herself. I look at how she does things and I change it to be a positive influence of what not to do.

So if you have seen things or heard things that are negative not only about yourself or other people, then you have already started to rewrite negative words into positive words. You are choosing to take the negativity out of your mind, your thoughts, and your body. I know that it is not a simple task, but even if you do it just once a day or even one time a week, you are making steps to changing your life.

As always check out the facebook page, The Simply Daily Life, please like, follow, and comment. Also check out the Instagram page, The Simply Daily Life and follow, and as always please follow, comment, and share!! I would love to hear what you would like to see next and feedback and whatever you would like to know!!


Hey everyone! I am sorry that I have not posted in the last week. There has been a lot going on in my life, and I needed to take a mini break. I will be continuing the topic that we have started on Body Image this week. I will also be posting some separate little topics here and there as well. I hope that you guys are ready to get back to hearing some different point of views on what things are.

This weeks bullet list:

  1. Rewrite Negative Words
  2. Self Love and Care
  3. What you see vs. Others See
  4. What makes you unique
  5. Summary

I look forward to sharing all of these with you! Please also check out my next post in a couple of hours!!

Body Image Week!!

Hey everyone!! So today we are going to be discussing the topic of the week!! I am not going to lie that I had been debating back and forth between two ideas as topics for this week. The topic I chose is something that is near and dear to my heart, and it is something that I know everyone struggles with. This week is going to be all about Body Image! Everyone has faced difficulties with, whether you have been a ridiculed or just down right disrespected or even just told yourself that you do not think that you are worth it. I know that going through all of this is hard and everyone has there own challenges that they have been going through to deal with it.

This week we will be touching on different topics that have to deal with body image. I will be bring in different stories from people who are near and dear to my heart. You will even hear about my story that involves the experiences and everything that I have been going through myself with my body image issues. I know that this is going to be a difficult topic to discuss, but it will be worth every bit of it. Maybe you will even find some new ways to cope and help bring to life a new light to what body image should really be seen as a positive.

I am really excited to share some new exciting new with you this week! I am going to be creating a video blog to this, that way you are able to read it and hear about it! It may not be up right away, but I am hoping that it will bring a new life to this new blog! Please follow and like on facebook, The Simply Daily Life, and follow The Simply Daily Life on Instagram, and the video blog will be The Simply Daily Life! And as always please comment, share, and follow the blog!! Stay tuned for new updates through out the week!!

Summary With a Topic

Hey everyone! I hope that you guys are having a wonderful weekend, and have enjoyed reading my blog so far. Today we are going to be discussing everything that we have discussed this week that has involved writing. I know that I have discussed a whole bunch on fanifction, writers block, and inspiration, also a little bit about me. We started off with what fanfiction is and that it is a mixture of both nonfiction and fiction, but based off a story or movie or anything that you love. You can also add any kind of information that you want into this story. It also could be a short story or a novel. Then we went into writers block with a hint of creativity. When you are able to be inspired by creativity you know that there is always going to be some writers block involved. When you find that you have hit a writers block, remind yourself of what brought in this creativity or just try a different way to write it. You are able to push past your own writers block and to continue on. Last but certainly not least we talked about inspiration. Now I know that creativity and inspiration are the same thing and you are able to intertwine them, but remember what has sparked your creativity or brought your inspiration to you, use that to go far with whatever you choose to write about. You are in control of what you choose to be inspired by and how it sparks your creativity!

I hope that you guys have enjoyed the topic of this week and the subtopics that I have chosen to write to you about. I hope that you are able to use this to help you be inspired, write something that you love and find fun and easy ways to break through on your writers block. I know that writing can be challenging but if you put your mind to it you may find that it can help in a lot of different ways for you.

Now for the grand finale of this weeks blog, I am going to be giving you a sneak peek into your topic for next week. I will admit that I did have a hard time choosing this topic, because my top two choices are both that I know everyone can relate to in many different ways. I have decided to discuss body image. I know that everyone has a hard time looking at themselves and seeing how beautiful we all truly are. I know that I battle it every day, but remember you are not in it all by yourself. I look forward to discussing many different aspects of this with you! I hope that you guys will enjoy!

So please follow, comment, share, and provide feedback!! I would love to hear what you have to say, and also please follow and like The Simply Daily Life on Facebook! Also follow my Instagram page The Simply Daily Life. You are able to find all the updates and new topics, and what each days post is going to be about!!


Hey everyone! I hope that you are having a wonderful week. Today's topic we are covering is inspiration! Have you ever been looking at a sunset and just feeling a jolt of inspiration or even just looking at a picture of you and your family. Those are the best things that happen when you are looking for inspiration. This is something that may just come to you at times or it is something that you take time to find. Inspiration is something that you want to hold onto and it fills you with a wonderful feeling and sensations that sparks you to want to start writing or even just doing anything. When you find that inspiration do not hesitate on jotting down that idea whether it be in your phone or on a sticky note, except for when you are in that situation where you aren't able to. You can find inspiration in the littlest of things to the biggest things. You can use to to get to move past your writers block or any block that you have in your life, or to even have you start on that creative masterpiece that you wanted to write or even just a project in general. I know that for me experiences that have happened in my life, something that I have watched, or even just something simple as seeing a beautiful sunset or music has inspired me to write and start writing. I know that it is hard to find inspiration, but when you find it hold it and take care of it because it can be a true blessing in disguise!!

I hope that you guys enjoys today post and check back for our follow up post that will give you in sight into next weeks topic! Also check out the facebook page called The Simply Daily Life for sneak peeks and more information for what the topics and what the post of the day is going to be!! Please comment, share, and follow!! I would love to hear feedback from my readers!!

Writers Block

Hey everyone! I hope that you have enjoyed my last couple of posts that I had written for you. I am going to be discussing creativity and writers block. Everyone at some point in there life has been inspired to do something creative whether it is writing or it is something simple as just drawing a picture. Then there comes to that point where it just all seems to disappear you have started this great creative exploration and it turns into do I really want to finish this now. This is known as creativity block, it can be called various different things, it is just a block that happens when you are not finding anything to be creative or inspirational about. It is hard to say when it is going to happen or how long it is going to happen.

The best example that I have of this would be writing. Some people love writing and some people do not. Some people like creative writing and some people just like writing about historical, whether it is nonfiction or fiction. There is always going to be that block, this is when you hear people say that I have writers block. You are able to write something instantly about a prompt that you are given, but when it comes to writing on your own thats when you aren't able to come up with anything at all. This is something that isn't always easy to fix or it can be the exact opposite. People go through different periods of times from a couple of days to months even with having writers block. I know that I have personally gone through this. I love writing and telling a story. I used to be able to come up with it write on the spot and just spend hours and days even writing non stop about this story, and mind you this was without a prompt. Now I am able to get more of a short story out then what I am used to. I have hit a writers block with ways to write, but I have also learned that even if you aren't writing a chapter book, just a simple short story could be the way to go.

Now that we have covered what writers block is I would like to give you a heads up for what tomorrows topic is going to be. I will be discussing inspiration! I would also like to inform you that each week we will be discussing a new topic! So please tune in for more, and please comment, share, and follow!!


Hey all, I hope that you are having a good day today! I am writing about a topic that is something that I thoroughly enjoy. Today we are going to be talking about FanFiction. Everyone has there own ideas and theories about this and were to find it. Fanfiction is a universal topic that can be about any book, tv show, anime, game, basically anything that has a plot storyline or is something that a vast amount of people love to read. These stories are based off something that you like to read about or a combination of characters from stories that you like, and it is also based off of both truth and non truthful aspects of a story. You are able to create your own world and tell the story how you would have seen it. For example in Harry Potter, if you like the characters Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger you are able to write a story about a year at Hogwarts, holiday, or some event that you created. It is taking your ideas and making it your own. There are a bunch of places that you are able to go and read one of my favorite websites is, I personally like to read about Naruto, Harry Potter, Seven Deadly Sins, and anything that has really interesting plot lines and stories. So if you are ever thinking of reading some different stories or even just wanting to read interesting stories in general take a look!

Please comment, subscribe, provide feedback, and even submit ideas on what you would like to see a post about!

Hi Everyone!

I am not writing your typical blog that is just going to be about one thing. I am writing to you about so many different things. I am bringing to life so many different topics that touch near and dear to my heart as well as near and dear to so many different peoples life. Some of the topics maybe serious and some of them maybe fun and playful, but most of all it is going to be fun and adventurous. It is not just about trying to be the same as everyone else it is about telling a real story about your life and the things that make it awesome! Please check it out, comment, subscribe, share it!

New Blog Site!!

Hey everyone!! I just wanted to let you know that I am switching the blog over to, The Simply Daily Life !! Please look to this for future...