
Hey all, I hope that you are having a good day today! I am writing about a topic that is something that I thoroughly enjoy. Today we are going to be talking about FanFiction. Everyone has there own ideas and theories about this and were to find it. Fanfiction is a universal topic that can be about any book, tv show, anime, game, basically anything that has a plot storyline or is something that a vast amount of people love to read. These stories are based off something that you like to read about or a combination of characters from stories that you like, and it is also based off of both truth and non truthful aspects of a story. You are able to create your own world and tell the story how you would have seen it. For example in Harry Potter, if you like the characters Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger you are able to write a story about a year at Hogwarts, holiday, or some event that you created. It is taking your ideas and making it your own. There are a bunch of places that you are able to go and read one of my favorite websites is, I personally like to read about Naruto, Harry Potter, Seven Deadly Sins, and anything that has really interesting plot lines and stories. So if you are ever thinking of reading some different stories or even just wanting to read interesting stories in general take a look!

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