
Hey everyone! I hope that you are having a wonderful week. Today's topic we are covering is inspiration! Have you ever been looking at a sunset and just feeling a jolt of inspiration or even just looking at a picture of you and your family. Those are the best things that happen when you are looking for inspiration. This is something that may just come to you at times or it is something that you take time to find. Inspiration is something that you want to hold onto and it fills you with a wonderful feeling and sensations that sparks you to want to start writing or even just doing anything. When you find that inspiration do not hesitate on jotting down that idea whether it be in your phone or on a sticky note, except for when you are in that situation where you aren't able to. You can find inspiration in the littlest of things to the biggest things. You can use to to get to move past your writers block or any block that you have in your life, or to even have you start on that creative masterpiece that you wanted to write or even just a project in general. I know that for me experiences that have happened in my life, something that I have watched, or even just something simple as seeing a beautiful sunset or music has inspired me to write and start writing. I know that it is hard to find inspiration, but when you find it hold it and take care of it because it can be a true blessing in disguise!!

I hope that you guys enjoys today post and check back for our follow up post that will give you in sight into next weeks topic! Also check out the facebook page called The Simply Daily Life for sneak peeks and more information for what the topics and what the post of the day is going to be!! Please comment, share, and follow!! I would love to hear feedback from my readers!!

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Hey everyone!! I just wanted to let you know that I am switching the blog over to, The Simply Daily Life !! Please look to this for future...